JFM-2024 Goals

I don’t have annual goals. I plan only for a quarter – 12 weeks. You can visualize 12 weeks easily and control most of the parameters too.

For the past four years, I’ve been using WINS — Wealth, Insights, Networking, and Self, for setting my goals.

Here goes my JFM 2024 goals.


Insights (learn by doing)

  • Continue this daily commonlog posting
  • Focus on the theme of “Being a Dad; Being a CXO” for the podcast


  • Start meeting people offline
  • Can you record podcast interviews offline?
  • Don’t hesitate to ping interesting people on LinkedIn


  • Restart jogging (may be after cold winter gets little better – after Jan 20th?)
  • Continue the streak of moving at least for 30 min (so far I’m at 125 continuous days)
  • Homeschooling
    • Josh
      • graduate out of grade 2 of Trinity exam
      • prepare for NIOS 10th exam
      • complete Personal MBA book
    • Jerry
      • complete draft of the book
      • complete Personal MBA book