Optimizing my day for a good night’s sleep

Sleep is both an indicator and a requirement for good health. A solid six to seven hours of sleep each day signifies a healthy individual, while also providing the focus needed for productivity and satisfaction. For the past six months, I’ve optimized my day to prioritize sleep. I’ve noticed improvements in my physical health, mental health, and relationships.

There’s more to getting a good night’s rest than just lying in bed.

Every morning I wake up between 5:30 and 6:00, a habit my dad has instilled in me since I was 10 years old. So I go to bed between 9:30 and 10:00.

I turn off all my devices half an hour before bedtime to ensure quality sleep. Lights from laptops and phones can make it hard to sleep.

Since an active digestive system can disrupt sleep, I eat dinner at least three hours before bed.

Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health; however, I avoid consuming water within two hours of bedtime to prevent waking up during deep sleep.

I jog for an hour or workout for 30 minutes. I also keep my body moving all day. By tiring my body in a healthy way, I can fall asleep more easily and enjoy better quality rest.

I’ve succeeded in improving my sleep by staying active, eating right, staying hydrated, and limiting device use during appropriate times. I’ve been more productive and happy as a result.

Sleeping well isn’t just about going to bed and waking up. You can improve your sleep quality by tweaking different factors throughout the day.

These habits align with the circadian rhythm described in “Circadian Code.” Our bodies follow the sun’s rise and set. We can significantly improve our quality of life and well-being by adjusting our food intake, water consumption, sleep, and activities with this rhythm.