When kids enjoy they excel

I homeschool my kids. We’ve been homeschooling for two years now, and I’m seeing their understanding grow. This year, I learned: when they enjoy what they do, they excel.

In August, my eldest son volunteered to assist partially and completely blind people. His experience blew him away and he gained an appreciation for how diverse people’s lives can be. It amazed him how blind people used cell phones, played guitar, and became self-sufficient after initial training. This experience fostered a deep empathy for others’ challenges.

He also did well on his Trinity guitar exam.

My sons started writing regularly on their personal blogs, publishing at least one article per week. They used a generative AI tool called AudioPen to dictate their thoughts and WordTune to refine them. By embracing new technology, they learned how to communicate better.

They also honed their video production skills – recording, editing, and publishing. Many of my friends liked a video he made about Chola history.

In addition, they began learning Harvard’s popular “Introduction to Computer Science” course. They started making videos about their learning.

If you are not already subscribed to their blogs or video channel, you should consider subscribing.

• Eldest son’s blog: https://blog.joshgarrett.xyz/
• Younger’s blog: https://blog.jerrygarrett.xyz/
• Video channel: https://www.youtube.com/garrettsboys

In December, my eldest son ran six kilometers. As part of my fat-to-fit journey, I jogged three days a week with him. It took him awhile to build up his stamina, but he eventually did.

It never ceases to amaze me how much my kids have grown and accomplished in just two years.

I’ve watched my children bloom as they explore new passions – from video making to running – in this vibrant world of homeschooling. They’re energised by their enthusiasm, allowing them to excel in whatever they’re passionate about.

I’m grateful I chose this path, and it seems I’m not alone. This year, more and more curious souls have reached out to me, wanting to know how homeschooling works. In the coming years, this alternative education will only grow in popularity.